Graphical Tweaks + How the Ink Tastes Progress

Hey there, friend.

Happy spooky season! Got a couple things to report to you all.

First, I've pushed some small graphical updates to Flotsam's overall presentation since my last DevLog. Thumbnail. Title screen. That kind of stuff. Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking with all the different colors and such when I first released the game. Unique, yes. Harmonious, no. Pick a scheme and stick with it, Kraaj!

Hopefully now the overall feel of the game is more cohesive with these changes. 

Second, I wanted to address my next FVN How the Ink Tastes. It is another one-off. About 7,200 words, and about double what I originally estimated, but, eh -- what are ya gonna do?

Currently, it has been drafted, edited, and proofread and I have created some initial art for it, which you may have seen if you took a peek at my twitter or reddit just saying /shamelessselfpromotion, but in case you didn't I got you, fam:

"We need to talk, poss."

I still anticipate finishing it before Halloween and meeting the deadline that I set forth in the previous DevLog, but it is becoming apparent that I may have bit off more than I can chew when it comes to the art direction, so it may be a close call. You'll see what I mean… hopefully sometime soon. Like a week or two soon.

Actually, now that I'm writing this, How the Ink Tastes has proven to be a much more difficult challenge than I initially thought, art notwithstanding. 

It may not have the horror trope spooky mansion vibe, but it really does not pull its punches. If you enjoyed the dark atmosphere that Flotsam had, you may very well enjoy what I have cooking up for y'all. I've been knee-deep in freaky creepypasta for a decade and a bit, but even I was somewhat surprised with how deranged the thing became in the end. And that, I think, is saying something.

Hope you enjoyed this small little update that definitely was not an attempt to avoid working on my next FVN because it's scaring me.

Thanks everyone, and eat your veggies.

- Kraaj

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