Build 0.1 - Not My Best Work!

Hey, friend.

Uhh. Here's my Spooktober 2024 submission! I hope you like it (even if you aren't a furry)! Well, what little of it there is. Not even 1,000 words. Pathetic, I know. Releasing this is pretty embarrassing, not gonna lie.

My motivation has really been in the dumps the past couple months. Maybe it's because I'm still burnt out from working on my MAY WOLF submission. Maybe it's because of real life stress. Maybe a combination. Don't know. Don't care. And you probably don't either. This is a devlog after all, not a shoddy Youtube storytime. 

I did consider holding off on the release, but it's Sneptember and Spooktober, so I couldn't rightly put out nothing given the story's themes. Idc if my SEO suffers. I never intended to shoot for one of the cash prizes anyhow. This just needed to be published! Plus, the final day I pretty much just took a piss on everything so it was fun to let go. Of course, it probably would have been better if I had time to actually add the snep sprite...

Maybe I can turn this into an educational experience as I document my journey polishing and completing this game. That could be something, right?

In any case, I hope this serves as a nice introduction to Scott and Linc's story. 

As a general idea of how far along I am: I have plotted the rest of the first draft and written a couple scenes ahead of where the story leaves off. No idea what I'm doing as far as music, cgs, and sfx go. I'm sure something will come to mind as I get everything written down and programmed.

And that's about it.

Sorry things aren't more lighthearted. Feeling disappointed in myself for not pushing harder to get this done but also proud of myself for knowing when to take a moment and not push myself too hard. Does that make sense? Probably not. Here's a picture of a shy snow leopard to make it up to you:


I'll try to pick away at this in October, but if that doesn't happen, I'll see you all in NovemBEAR.

Thanks all, and eat your veggies.


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Get It Fell and Fell and Fell...

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