Build 1.0.1 - Fix It Ya Dingus

Hey friend.

I've never made a changelog before, but the long and short of this release is that I fixed a fuckton of errors. Well, fuckton may be overselling it a bit. There were a dozen or so. 

Also there were edits to some other things. Idk. I list them below. At least the ones I can remember bro it's like midnight as I'm writing this and I'm tired and trying my best plz don't get mad at me.

Read them if you want. But if you don't just know that that makes you a big meanie >:(

  • "right of passage" -> "rite of passage"
  • "be white collar" -> "be a white collar"
  • "you're never tried them" -> "you've never tried them"
  • "respirate their skin" -> "respirate through their skin"
  • "cicadas an crickets" -> "cicadas and crickets"
  • "backack pocket" -> "backpack pocket"
  • Fixed a handful of punctuation errors
  • Split a few dialogue boxes
  • Reworded a few dialogues to improve clarity
  • Added the MAY WOLF 2024 OFFICIAL SELECTION banner as the splashscreen
  • Fixed Xander whisker clipping bug (I'm keeping the bugged screenshots on itch tho. You know, for posterity n' shit.)
  • Added different text colors for unknown speakers and Wesley

Reminder that I am planning on doing one more release. When will that be? God knows. When that happens, though, I will replace the 1.0.1 version from the downloads. The 1.0 version will remain up as the "Jam version". 

All right that's it. I'm outtie. Gotta catch some sleep.

Thanks all, and eat your veggies!

- Kraaj

Files 137 MB
75 days ago 161 MB
75 days ago
AReboundFromMARS-1.0.1-linux.tar.bz2 129 MB
75 days ago 143 MB
75 days ago

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