A Rebound From MARS! is a linear furry visual novel featuring themes of sci-fi, drama, and MY WOLF. Follow dragon Xander Kamsky as he helps an alien canine get back home after the latter crash lands in a scenic Ozark town.


The smell of roses and the bright lights were giving him a headache. His jaw ached, and sweat beaded on his brow.

His sister's seat sat empty. She had stormed out twenty minutes ago to search for the otter. 

His friends were texting. They offered reassuring glances, but they could hardly disguise the embarrassment on their faces.

The otter's mother stared at the phone in her hands. She had already called eight times, but she huffed and dialed the number again.

The officiant was tapping his foot and looking at his watch. There was a fee if he stayed too much longer.

Xander wanted to do something, but he didn't know what. So he continued to stand there.  

And he smiled wider.

This SFW FVN was created for MAY WOLF Jam 2024, if that wasn't already obvious enough from the huge goddamn title stretching across half of your PC screen.

A MASSIVE thank you to all the people that made this Jam possible:

Artists - RonChokySikyu   ← Check these peeps out NOW!

Organizers - WagleUnagi & Administrative Team

All my fellow Jammers that submitted some great stuff!

And to players like you. Thank you! <3

Word Count: 24,938


AReboundFromMARS-1.0-win.zip 137 MB
vn.android.reboundfrommars-1.0-1717207295-release.apk 161 MB
AReboundFromMARS-1.0-mac.zip 143 MB
AReboundFromMARS-1.0-linux.tar.bz2 129 MB

Development log


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Very novel concept with Wesley learning to navigate the world. Overall, I thought it was a very sweet (although perhaps a victim of the word constraints) submission to the jam.  I know you worked very hard on it and this is possibly the longest submission, but I still would have loved to see the ending fleshed out a little more. Those paw pads are so boopable as well, and I loved the little stargazing VFX. Thank you for the enjoyable read!

See you, space potato.

(2 edits)

Ok. 9th May Wolf 2024 vn I will read and rate here we go!

Edit 1: Just finished reading. How doesn't this have more rates? It's conventional, which does not mean it's poorly done at all, regardless. I will rate this rn and later on I will come up with a review comment.

Edit 2: 

It's conventional, mostly during the second part of the story, which felt like something from a typical adventure-action US film, which doesn't mean that the VN was poorly made at all . It provides enough material for a movie adaptation.

The author used your usual plot of an alien crashing into Earth to convey the themes of expansion of knowledge and understanding of human feelings, which I believe gets the author at least a couple of creativity points.

Sometimes the action in the VN shows a better quality than that of some Password paths (which features hunter-hunted-related action in a similar way this vn does).

There were plenty of references to a wide variety of things, including Echo, mpreg, Unagi's (in)famous Omega's sprite reveal post, Adastra, and so on. They were quite funny, honestly.

The fact the author made every background purple provided the VN with a distinctive stapple. Also, speaking of visuals, what this novel has in common with "Ugolino in the Tower" (another entry for this Jam, made by Loudo) is that both manage to provide pictures with plenty of meaning through minimal edits of backgrounds. Sometimes it feels like both visual novels were made by the same person, even.

That's my thoughts so far. I thank the author for the experience.