Build 0.1 - Tapping Out

Hey friend.

Well here we are with another half-baked product. Apologies if this is sounds similar to my Spooktober devlog, but I am thoroughly pooped. Drained. Like the lone top at a West Coast furry convention. Now I am faced with having three incomplete projects on my plate, which is exactly the scenario that I didn't want to be in when I started writing FVNs. So join me, if you will, in an overview of my year and a glimpse at what the future has in-store for us.

In one of my devlogs for How the Ink Tastes (the one where I show feet), I concluded by saying that forcing myself to work leads me to burnout quickly. Funnily enough, that's exactly what happened earlier this year.

After completing How the Ink Tastes, I took a long break. I drew more. I read more. I wrote short stories that were low committal, yet experimented with new (to me) genres. In general, I refilled that creative well.

That break, I believe, allowed me to hit the ground running for I, Wolfe and Rebound. Frankly, I surprised myself with how fast those projects flowed out of me. In fact, I would say that this April and May was the most creative and productive time in my adult life. It was hard, no doubt about it. But there was also so much joy in what I was creating.

So, when I sat down to work on It Fell, I expected that same drive to reemerge. And well, that didn't happen. And it didn't happen again for this NovemBEAR as you can see. I could blame it on the absolutely crazy month that this Novemeber has been for all of us, but I truly believe it's because I didn't give myself the mental reset that I needed following MAY WOLF.

Thus, I am taking that time now.

For the future, It Fell and McMurdo are first on the docket. Should those be completed, I want a return to form. I want to write horror again. What that looks like, I don't know. I have a few spoopy ideas in my brainstorming folder that show some promise, and the more I've experimented and read other FVNs this year, the more I feel an urge to return to my roots as I horror writer. And that thought really tickles my pickle!

Seriously though. A whole year of flirting with romance is more than enough for me. I want to get back to having strange, deranged, and fucked up dreams about my characters again. HELL YEAH!

But first a break. A pause. I'm putting all these projects on hold and stepping away from FVNs for now.

All righty. That's about it. You're awesome for reading my whole rant, you know that? /hug

Have a great rest of the year, and go read the other NovemBEAR entries! Some of them be lookin' like a snack!

Thanks all, and eat your veggies.



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